Friday, May 15, 2015

shavuot, graduation

Our anticipation grows as we count the days until Shavuot and graduation.  We spent this week reading books and learning about the upcoming holiday Shavuot.  We also have been spending much time preparing our decorations and backdrop for graduation.  We are also practicing how to articulate our words when we speak. 
During circle time we spoke about the 10 commandments (rules) that we were given on Har Sinai.  Some of the children already knew some of the commandments, like not worshipping idols, not killing, and not stealing.  We spoke more in depth about what it means to not steal.  We also spoke about honoring our mother and father.  One way we can honor our parents is by greeting them when they walk in the house after a day of work.  Also, by not sitting in their chair at the table. 
We read a story entitled "No Rules for Michael" about a boy who learns the importance of rules. 
We are enjoying our final weeks of school. 

Decorating our surprise gift for Mommy

We learned that har Sinai was a humble mountain. 
We read a book about the importance of being humble and not showing off. 

Painting our graduation backdrop

Decorating stars with glitter for our "light up the world" theme


Playing in the block center

Playing Chupah

we added water to the oatmeal in our sensory bin

Drawing and writing in our graduation program

For our backdrop, we our decorating paper dolls worth clothes, kippahs and bows

Shabbat Shalom!
Morah Sarah and Morah Neshama

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