Thursday, February 5, 2015

Tu B Shevat, planting parsley seeds, outdoor drawings

This week was a special week.  We had so much fun planting our parsley seeds, singing Tu B Shevat songs, and enjoying the ice cream party topped with the sheva hamanim ! Here are some of the other activities we enjoyed and skills we practiced:

we created a floor graph of the different types of shoes we were wearing

during math center, we graphed a variety of objects based on color

practicing writing Tu B Shevat words

Roll and Write game

singing Tu B Shevat songs

easel painting at the art center

dried black beans in the sensory bin

     We went outside to explore nature

we looked at the different types of trees

felt the rocks and leaves

 looked at plants

outdoor drawings

creating our Tu B Shevat crowns

reading comprehension activity- sequencing

music with Morah lily

planting parsley seeds

decorating tree cupcakes

building vocabulary about "tree parts"

practicing counting by 10's

Shabbat shalom!
Morah Sarah and Morah Neshama

1 comment:

  1. So much going on! Rochel Leah look so proud near her artwork and I just love the pictures of the kids with their clipboards!
