Getting Ready to send our Shana Tova cards to friends & family
Hudi, Meira & Natalie is making the head for her bumblebee honey jar
Gavriel having fun on the playground!
Bubbles for the letter B
Monday Morning Meeting
A peek into Davening in Pre-K
"Three times a week we take the Torah out"
"Boys in the army of Hashem, stand up!"
"Build the Bais Hamikdash"
Happy Birthday Rochel Leah! Jumping over the birthday blocks.
Thank you for the yummy birthday treats!
Our cute bumblebee honey jars
Reading our Rosh Hashana books
We learned about what goes on the Rosh Hashana table
On Yom Rivi'i (Day 4) Hashem created the sun, moon, & stars
Gavriel & Ezra playing alef bet games
Learning about Yom Chamishi - the 5th day of creation - birds, fish & insects
We joined Morah Dinie's pre-K to make delicious honey cupcakes!
A Beekeeper came to visit us and tell us all about how the Bees make Honey
Starting our Alef Bet mini milon with words that start with the letter Alef